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Monday, 10 May 2010
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 05:36 0 commentsFriday, 16 April 2010
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 23:48 0 comments
Detail Sinabung transport access to the following:
Bus ride from Medan majoring in Padang Bulan Ginger pride or from Lt. Jamin Ginting street and go down in the city of Berastagi, tariffs Medan - Berastagi Rp.4.000, - per person. From the terminal Brastagi continue to Lau Kawar and there is only one route to get there is angkotan route with fare Rp.3.000 Takashima, - per orang.Rute Ascent Lau Kawar Lake (1425 m asl) (03 ° 11'45 .0 "N 98 ° 23'11 .1 "BT)
Lake Lau Kawar is located right at the foot of Mount Sinabung, and is the main access door climbing. This small lakeside camping ground there is often crowded with visitors who are camping at the end of the week. Forests surrounding the lake is still very real and heavy.
Wood Door (1557 m asl)
(03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E)
We started to climb from Lau Kawar and passed perladanan residents will get to the forest boundary there commonly called the "Gate Wilderness". Carefully through this jungle door position because there are intersections. The right path is a leftist and turned the wrong path is straight and will lead hikers on a dead-end street menyesatkan.POS I (1641 m asl) (03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E)
Pos I can be reached after climbing about 30 minutes from door to Woods. Heading I is not no particular features only 2 trees uprooted and a little plain. In this post there are T-junction, the right path is a straight, medium-to right to lead off and soared to a ridge that lain.POS II (1697 m asl) (.1 03 ° 11'00 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E)
Pos II is approximately 1 hours drive from Pos I. First Post after the trail continues to climb and we would find
some fairly steep path. Just before the second post there is a fairly steep hill slope is more
approximately 80 degrees and high is high enough. Pos II itself is a fairly roomy, and the court could
includes 2 tenda.POS III (1842 m asl)
(03 ° 10'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E)
Postal III is approximately 30 minutes from the Post II, Post II himself when viewed at a glance away from being in the form of Post
an incline and there are only very narrow flat land. Even to set up a tent the size of two people rather
POS Pandan (1962 m asl)
(03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E)
Pandan is located diatara Pos Pos Pos III and IV, and is about one hour drive from the Postal III. In this post we
can find the source of water, but should check the first before climbing ranger with the officer in Lau Kawar
about these water sources, especially season panas.POS IV (2187 m asl)
(03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E)
Heading IV is located approximately 30 minutes of Pandanus Pos. Heading IV is heading the largest in this line Lau Kawar. A
tinga plain enough to accommodate up to four tents. Before reaching this location, when it comes out of post
Pandan will meet denan open area where we can see clear lakes and rural Lau Kawar
disekitarnya.PUNCAK MAIN (2475 m asl)
(03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E)
Before reaching the top we will be faced first with a steep incline with a slope of 80
even 90 degrees which was an open area, climb the rock was named by local climbers
name "Heart climbs." Accidents often happen belt of this hill, if climbers carrying backpack
large enough should be careful when dropped pass. Sinabung peak area there are three peaks
ie the main peak, peak II and peak Segal Stone who by local climbers called the peak Flash
Gordon. All three peaks flanking a broad, flat terrace that can be used as a location for establishing
tent. However considering that the wind was blowing hard diteras suggested that tents here
is a tent that was designed for mountain climbing is not for regular camping.
Here are the coordinates from the GPS waypoint for the route of ascent from Lau Kawar:
- 03 ° 11'45 .0 "N 98 ° 23'11 .1" E altitude of 1425m (Lake Lau Kawar)
- 03 ° 11'37 .8 "N 98 ° 23'15 .5" E elevation 1486m
- 03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E elevation 1557m - highcamp the adventures, Indonesia Adventures infoPrmowaetiorend by Mambo Generated: 17 April, 2010, 01:45
- 03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E elevation 1641m
- 03 ° 11'08 .3 "N 98 ° 23'16 .8" E elevation 1661m
- 03 ° 11'00 .1 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E elevation 1697m
- 03 ° 11'54 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .3" E elevation 1768m
- 03 ° 11'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E elevation 1842m
- 03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E elevation 1962m
- 03 ° 10'33 .0 "N 98 ° 23'23 .7" E elevation 2028m
- 03 ° 10'32 .5 "N 98 ° 23'21 .8" E elevation 2129m
- 03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E elevation 2187m
- 03 ° 10'20 .6 'N 98 ° 23'26 .2 "E elevation 2396m
- 03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E elevation 2475m
- 03 ° 10'14 .8 "N 98 ° 23'27 .1" E altitude of 2424m (camp location) for the climb to Mt PerijinananPerijinan
Sibayak is not too convoluted. To levy entering Lake Lau Kawar area will be subject to Rp.1.500, -
per person and if we are going to climb Sinabung longer required to pay levies Rp.1.500 ascent, - men.
Also photo copy of ID card will also be required. In this Sinabung mountain already have waste control ordinance
good. Ie, each climber will be in check by local officials. (Known by the name of officer Sinabung SAR)
equipment and food are taken in order. In addition to ensuring the climbers to climb with equipment that is required
also to ensure that climbers will be brought back down the waste produced from the logistic supplies
they bring. This business looks quite potent, because during a visit in May 2004 highcamp visible
peak area and walking trails clear of trash. Although there are rubbish but there were not too
signifikan.Tempat MenarikAda lot of interesting places in this Sinabung mountain region, and all
The natural and clean as well. Here are some interesting places that we rekomendasikan.Danau Lau Kawar
This lake is located diketinggian 1.425m above sea level. and surrounded by dense forest still. The lake is the meaning of her name is
Clear water is visited by many campers at the end of the week. and besides that here too there are villas for rent
at a price that is affordable enough and permalamnya perkamar 30,000. This quiet lake is still minimal watering
facilities, but already there are locals who sells rice with toppings Indomie or fried egg. And
There is also a bathroom for rent for a one-bath Rp.1.000. If you want on the lake, we can also take a bath, but
because this area is cold enough temperature so rarely the end of the swim in this lake. Meurut legend
local local story this lake was formed by tears of a grandmother who upset with the behavior
grandson. Nenk the tears continued to flow so that drowned their village. And according to legend village
sinking of the lake is situated Lau Kawar this with houses that still berdiriBatu Oukup
Oukup stone is a stone that emits heat, and there are several places in Sinabung. Stone
This heat is formed from the activity of this mountain volcanology. Many local climbers who use this place to
overnight if they do not carry a tent. With their bodies pressed to the stone has been Diding
make them warm. Or if you want to enjoy the natural sauna rocks can also take advantage of ini.Kawasan Peak Mt.
Sinabung peak region there is a large crater which is a combination of the two craters
previously. Besides the main peak there is also the top two and top of Stone Segal. Among the top that there is a
terrace width. Segal Stone can climb the peak, but need to be extra cautious because we had to climb. on
At certain times the wind was blowing pretty fresh Sinabung. And will be dangerous if climbed the peak of the Stone Segal
when the wind blew hard. From the main peak we could see the sights such as the Karo highlands, Lake
Lau Kawar, Lake Toba, Berastagi Town and City PrapatPeta
Lake Lau Kawar is located right at the foot of Mount Sinabung, and is the main access door climbing. This small lakeside camping ground there is often crowded with visitors who are camping at the end of the week. Forests surrounding the lake is still very real and heavy.
Wood Door (1557 m asl)
(03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E)
We started to climb from Lau Kawar and passed perladanan residents will get to the forest boundary there commonly called the "Gate Wilderness". Carefully through this jungle door position because there are intersections. The right path is a leftist and turned the wrong path is straight and will lead hikers on a dead-end street menyesatkan.POS I (1641 m asl) (03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E)
Pos I can be reached after climbing about 30 minutes from door to Woods. Heading I is not no particular features only 2 trees uprooted and a little plain. In this post there are T-junction, the right path is a straight, medium-to right to lead off and soared to a ridge that lain.POS II (1697 m asl) (.1 03 ° 11'00 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E)
Pos II is approximately 1 hours drive from Pos I. First Post after the trail continues to climb and we would find
some fairly steep path. Just before the second post there is a fairly steep hill slope is more
approximately 80 degrees and high is high enough. Pos II itself is a fairly roomy, and the court could
includes 2 tenda.POS III (1842 m asl)
(03 ° 10'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E)
Postal III is approximately 30 minutes from the Post II, Post II himself when viewed at a glance away from being in the form of Post
an incline and there are only very narrow flat land. Even to set up a tent the size of two people rather
POS Pandan (1962 m asl)
(03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E)
Pandan is located diatara Pos Pos Pos III and IV, and is about one hour drive from the Postal III. In this post we
can find the source of water, but should check the first before climbing ranger with the officer in Lau Kawar
about these water sources, especially season panas.POS IV (2187 m asl)
(03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E)
Heading IV is located approximately 30 minutes of Pandanus Pos. Heading IV is heading the largest in this line Lau Kawar. A
tinga plain enough to accommodate up to four tents. Before reaching this location, when it comes out of post
Pandan will meet denan open area where we can see clear lakes and rural Lau Kawar
disekitarnya.PUNCAK MAIN (2475 m asl)
(03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E)
Before reaching the top we will be faced first with a steep incline with a slope of 80
even 90 degrees which was an open area, climb the rock was named by local climbers
name "Heart climbs." Accidents often happen belt of this hill, if climbers carrying backpack
large enough should be careful when dropped pass. Sinabung peak area there are three peaks
ie the main peak, peak II and peak Segal Stone who by local climbers called the peak Flash
Gordon. All three peaks flanking a broad, flat terrace that can be used as a location for establishing
tent. However considering that the wind was blowing hard diteras suggested that tents here
is a tent that was designed for mountain climbing is not for regular camping.
Here are the coordinates from the GPS waypoint for the route of ascent from Lau Kawar:
- 03 ° 11'45 .0 "N 98 ° 23'11 .1" E altitude of 1425m (Lake Lau Kawar)
- 03 ° 11'37 .8 "N 98 ° 23'15 .5" E elevation 1486m
- 03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E elevation 1557m - highcamp the adventures, Indonesia Adventures infoPrmowaetiorend by Mambo Generated: 17 April, 2010, 01:45
- 03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E elevation 1641m
- 03 ° 11'08 .3 "N 98 ° 23'16 .8" E elevation 1661m
- 03 ° 11'00 .1 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E elevation 1697m
- 03 ° 11'54 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .3" E elevation 1768m
- 03 ° 11'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E elevation 1842m
- 03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E elevation 1962m
- 03 ° 10'33 .0 "N 98 ° 23'23 .7" E elevation 2028m
- 03 ° 10'32 .5 "N 98 ° 23'21 .8" E elevation 2129m
- 03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E elevation 2187m
- 03 ° 10'20 .6 'N 98 ° 23'26 .2 "E elevation 2396m
- 03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E elevation 2475m
- 03 ° 10'14 .8 "N 98 ° 23'27 .1" E altitude of 2424m (camp location) for the climb to Mt PerijinananPerijinan
Sibayak is not too convoluted. To levy entering Lake Lau Kawar area will be subject to Rp.1.500, -
per person and if we are going to climb Sinabung longer required to pay levies Rp.1.500 ascent, - men.
Also photo copy of ID card will also be required. In this Sinabung mountain already have waste control ordinance
good. Ie, each climber will be in check by local officials. (Known by the name of officer Sinabung SAR)
equipment and food are taken in order. In addition to ensuring the climbers to climb with equipment that is required
also to ensure that climbers will be brought back down the waste produced from the logistic supplies
they bring. This business looks quite potent, because during a visit in May 2004 highcamp visible
peak area and walking trails clear of trash. Although there are rubbish but there were not too
signifikan.Tempat MenarikAda lot of interesting places in this Sinabung mountain region, and all
The natural and clean as well. Here are some interesting places that we rekomendasikan.Danau Lau Kawar
This lake is located diketinggian 1.425m above sea level. and surrounded by dense forest still. The lake is the meaning of her name is
Clear water is visited by many campers at the end of the week. and besides that here too there are villas for rent
at a price that is affordable enough and permalamnya perkamar 30,000. This quiet lake is still minimal watering
facilities, but already there are locals who sells rice with toppings Indomie or fried egg. And
There is also a bathroom for rent for a one-bath Rp.1.000. If you want on the lake, we can also take a bath, but
because this area is cold enough temperature so rarely the end of the swim in this lake. Meurut legend
local local story this lake was formed by tears of a grandmother who upset with the behavior
grandson. Nenk the tears continued to flow so that drowned their village. And according to legend village
sinking of the lake is situated Lau Kawar this with houses that still berdiriBatu Oukup
Oukup stone is a stone that emits heat, and there are several places in Sinabung. Stone
This heat is formed from the activity of this mountain volcanology. Many local climbers who use this place to
overnight if they do not carry a tent. With their bodies pressed to the stone has been Diding
make them warm. Or if you want to enjoy the natural sauna rocks can also take advantage of ini.Kawasan Peak Mt.
Sinabung peak region there is a large crater which is a combination of the two craters
previously. Besides the main peak there is also the top two and top of Stone Segal. Among the top that there is a
terrace width. Segal Stone can climb the peak, but need to be extra cautious because we had to climb. on
At certain times the wind was blowing pretty fresh Sinabung. And will be dangerous if climbed the peak of the Stone Segal
when the wind blew hard. From the main peak we could see the sights such as the Karo highlands, Lake
Lau Kawar, Lake Toba, Berastagi Town and City PrapatPeta
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