Friday, 16 April 2010


Sibayak mountain located in the Karo highlands (read: Overview of Tanah Karo) with an altitude of 2094 m above sea level. Mountain peak condition that has been ravaged by the eruption in the past this could be achieved from two places: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and the town of Berastagi. Mount Sibayak gunng fire is still active, and has a sloping crater enough to descend and look less dangerous so long as not too close.

The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a beginner though. Like Mount Gede in West Java, this mountain is always occupied by many local climbers night a week. They usually start climbing at around 02:00 to get the early morning sunrise scene dipuncak mountain. From this summit we could see the distant views of the city of Medan. Condensation factor on the mountain is very high which causes frequent fog clustered seen the peak area.

Ascent Route:

To achieve this we can climb the mountain from the two places, namely: the Village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and the town of Berastagi. Both can be reached by public transportation from Medan city. From Brastagi ascent begins from the path that lies behind the hill Gundaling. But the fastest ascent of King Berneh village located about 7 km from the main road of Medan - Berastagi. Bypassing spa-debuk Sidebuk Lau. The situation of this village is very heterogeneous in religion, with synagogues, Catholic, Protestant and Islam coexisted.

King Village Berneh dam produces fruits vegetables. Right at the foot of the mountain met a hot springs area, which is also the entrance path to the summit.

The trail to the summit is very clear. Along the way there are no special features, only in the waist of the mountain there is a small cave that jutted into one meter. Then entered a dry river, continue through the bamboo forest area before entering the actual forest. From this area there is a path pioneered the hill turn right towards Pertektekan.

Enters the plants began to lower peak and begin to enter the gravel and rocky areas that are not so compact. The path is not clear and there are good you take care of this area.

Besides scenery at the top of the crater and the views of the city at the foot of the mountain terrain is also found that regular hot water bath visited by local tourists are spa-debuk sidebuk Lau.

Aside from the two paths in the mentioned above, there is another route Sibayak munuju mountaintop. ie 54 points. This point is located in the region tongkoh (burnt corn), located in Medan-Brastagi highway, the route in line 54 is a challenging route. A steep slope is a challenge that must be in the past the climbers, other than that its still very beautiful forest. On the path to the summit met many of the rattan plant, other than that this route is much in use for diksar Mapala members in Medan and surrounding areas. After passing through a shady forest, then we will
encounter rocky areas (almost munuju peak). For spring, the line was only
have little springs. By many because it is required to bring supplies of water from the foot of the mountain.

The climb to the mountain we will pass Sibayak tropical jungle and cliffs full of challenges and there are mountain plains where camping carpet. From the top of a mountain visible craters which are still active out of magma and the scenery is beautiful and captivating. Distance from City Berastagi to the starting place
ascent from the village of Jaranguda 1.5 km and from the village of King Berneh 15 km. Long ascent is estimated at between two to three hours.

To make a climb to the mountain Sibayak can be through:
1.Jalur 54 with a starting point of the company's factory pendakain penatapan Aqua or corn on the cob.
2. Sibayak Line I, with a starting point located at the foot of the climb in the village of King gng Sibayak Berneh 15 km from Berastagi town.
3. Sibayak Line II, with a starting point located at the foot of the climb gng Jaranguda 1.5 km Sibayak village.

For transportation from the city field, we can use public bus fare Sinabung Jaya with 5000 per person. Permissions problem no problem, if we dah until we stayed at the foot of the climb Gaza, after we've completed the registration ristribusi 2000 per person at the foot of the mountain Sibayak. In addition to mountain climbing Sibayak generally performed Saturday night.

Overview of Karo:

Tanah Karo is a karo highlands with the capital Kabanjahe located 77 km from the city of Medan, the capital of North Sumatra Province. Karo Regency area of about 2127.25 square kilometers which lies in the highlands with an altitude of 600 to 1400 meters above sea level. Because in the land of the Karo Simalem diketinggian has a cool climate with temperatures ranging from 16
up to 17 degrees Celsius.

Karo high Didataran this we can find beautiful natural shades of cool mountain air-who with characteristic fruit and vegetable area. In this area we can also enjoy the beauty of volcanoes in active state Sibayak located above the altitude of 2172 meters above sea level. Meaning of Words Sibayak is King. Mount Sibayak means is Mount King in the sense Karonese ancestors.

There used to be Tanah Karo 4 denganRaja Kingdom (Sibayak)
1. Kingdom Sibayak Linga (Marga origin Karo-Karo Sinulingga).
2. Kingdom Sibayak Sarinembah (Marga origin Sembiring Milala)
3. Like Sibayak Kingdom (like the origin of Marga Ginting)
4. Kingdom Sibayak Barusjahe (Karo-Karo origin Barus)
5. Kingdom Sibayak Kutabuluh (Clan origin Prangin-wind)

Viewed from the Geography of Karo Regency is located in the highlands of the Bukit Barisan Mountains and the Upper River area. Karo Regency area is 2127.25 square kilometers or 212,725 hectares, or 2.97 percent of the province of North Sumatra, and geographically located between latitude 2 degrees 50 minutes north to 3 degrees 19 minutes North Latitude and 97 Longitude derakat 55 minutes
East to 98 degrees 38 minutes east longitude.

Territorial boundaries of Karo Regency is:
-North and is bordered by Deli Serdang Langkat
- Southern Dairi district and is bordered by North Tapanuli
- East side is bordered by Deli Serdang Regency and

Simalungun District
-West of the Southeast Aceh district borders (Province
Special Region of Aceh)

Karo Regency is situated at an altitude of 140 to 1400 meters above sea level with the area ratio as follows:
- Areas up to 200 elevation 140 meters above the sea area of 9550 Ha (4:49%)
- Areas up to 500 elevation 200 meters above the sea area of 11,373 ha (5.35%)
- Areas with an altitude of 500 to 1000 meters above sea pemukaan area of 79,215 ha (37.24%)
- Area altitude 1000 to 1400 meters from sea level cellular 112,587 ha (52.92%)

When viewed from the angle or slope of the land can
distinguished as follows:
- Flat 2% = 23,900 ha (11.24%)
- Gradient of 2-5% = 74,919 ha (35.22%)
- Leaning 15-40% = 41,169 ha (19.35%)
- Steep 40% = 72,737 ha (34.19%).