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Monday, 10 May 2010
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 05:36 0 commentsFriday, 16 April 2010
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 23:48 0 comments
Detail Sinabung transport access to the following:
Bus ride from Medan majoring in Padang Bulan Ginger pride or from Lt. Jamin Ginting street and go down in the city of Berastagi, tariffs Medan - Berastagi Rp.4.000, - per person. From the terminal Brastagi continue to Lau Kawar and there is only one route to get there is angkotan route with fare Rp.3.000 Takashima, - per orang.Rute Ascent Lau Kawar Lake (1425 m asl) (03 ° 11'45 .0 "N 98 ° 23'11 .1 "BT)
Lake Lau Kawar is located right at the foot of Mount Sinabung, and is the main access door climbing. This small lakeside camping ground there is often crowded with visitors who are camping at the end of the week. Forests surrounding the lake is still very real and heavy.
Wood Door (1557 m asl)
(03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E)
We started to climb from Lau Kawar and passed perladanan residents will get to the forest boundary there commonly called the "Gate Wilderness". Carefully through this jungle door position because there are intersections. The right path is a leftist and turned the wrong path is straight and will lead hikers on a dead-end street menyesatkan.POS I (1641 m asl) (03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E)
Pos I can be reached after climbing about 30 minutes from door to Woods. Heading I is not no particular features only 2 trees uprooted and a little plain. In this post there are T-junction, the right path is a straight, medium-to right to lead off and soared to a ridge that lain.POS II (1697 m asl) (.1 03 ° 11'00 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E)
Pos II is approximately 1 hours drive from Pos I. First Post after the trail continues to climb and we would find
some fairly steep path. Just before the second post there is a fairly steep hill slope is more
approximately 80 degrees and high is high enough. Pos II itself is a fairly roomy, and the court could
includes 2 tenda.POS III (1842 m asl)
(03 ° 10'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E)
Postal III is approximately 30 minutes from the Post II, Post II himself when viewed at a glance away from being in the form of Post
an incline and there are only very narrow flat land. Even to set up a tent the size of two people rather
POS Pandan (1962 m asl)
(03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E)
Pandan is located diatara Pos Pos Pos III and IV, and is about one hour drive from the Postal III. In this post we
can find the source of water, but should check the first before climbing ranger with the officer in Lau Kawar
about these water sources, especially season panas.POS IV (2187 m asl)
(03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E)
Heading IV is located approximately 30 minutes of Pandanus Pos. Heading IV is heading the largest in this line Lau Kawar. A
tinga plain enough to accommodate up to four tents. Before reaching this location, when it comes out of post
Pandan will meet denan open area where we can see clear lakes and rural Lau Kawar
disekitarnya.PUNCAK MAIN (2475 m asl)
(03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E)
Before reaching the top we will be faced first with a steep incline with a slope of 80
even 90 degrees which was an open area, climb the rock was named by local climbers
name "Heart climbs." Accidents often happen belt of this hill, if climbers carrying backpack
large enough should be careful when dropped pass. Sinabung peak area there are three peaks
ie the main peak, peak II and peak Segal Stone who by local climbers called the peak Flash
Gordon. All three peaks flanking a broad, flat terrace that can be used as a location for establishing
tent. However considering that the wind was blowing hard diteras suggested that tents here
is a tent that was designed for mountain climbing is not for regular camping.
Here are the coordinates from the GPS waypoint for the route of ascent from Lau Kawar:
- 03 ° 11'45 .0 "N 98 ° 23'11 .1" E altitude of 1425m (Lake Lau Kawar)
- 03 ° 11'37 .8 "N 98 ° 23'15 .5" E elevation 1486m
- 03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E elevation 1557m - highcamp the adventures, Indonesia Adventures infoPrmowaetiorend by Mambo Generated: 17 April, 2010, 01:45
- 03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E elevation 1641m
- 03 ° 11'08 .3 "N 98 ° 23'16 .8" E elevation 1661m
- 03 ° 11'00 .1 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E elevation 1697m
- 03 ° 11'54 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .3" E elevation 1768m
- 03 ° 11'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E elevation 1842m
- 03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E elevation 1962m
- 03 ° 10'33 .0 "N 98 ° 23'23 .7" E elevation 2028m
- 03 ° 10'32 .5 "N 98 ° 23'21 .8" E elevation 2129m
- 03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E elevation 2187m
- 03 ° 10'20 .6 'N 98 ° 23'26 .2 "E elevation 2396m
- 03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E elevation 2475m
- 03 ° 10'14 .8 "N 98 ° 23'27 .1" E altitude of 2424m (camp location) for the climb to Mt PerijinananPerijinan
Sibayak is not too convoluted. To levy entering Lake Lau Kawar area will be subject to Rp.1.500, -
per person and if we are going to climb Sinabung longer required to pay levies Rp.1.500 ascent, - men.
Also photo copy of ID card will also be required. In this Sinabung mountain already have waste control ordinance
good. Ie, each climber will be in check by local officials. (Known by the name of officer Sinabung SAR)
equipment and food are taken in order. In addition to ensuring the climbers to climb with equipment that is required
also to ensure that climbers will be brought back down the waste produced from the logistic supplies
they bring. This business looks quite potent, because during a visit in May 2004 highcamp visible
peak area and walking trails clear of trash. Although there are rubbish but there were not too
signifikan.Tempat MenarikAda lot of interesting places in this Sinabung mountain region, and all
The natural and clean as well. Here are some interesting places that we rekomendasikan.Danau Lau Kawar
This lake is located diketinggian 1.425m above sea level. and surrounded by dense forest still. The lake is the meaning of her name is
Clear water is visited by many campers at the end of the week. and besides that here too there are villas for rent
at a price that is affordable enough and permalamnya perkamar 30,000. This quiet lake is still minimal watering
facilities, but already there are locals who sells rice with toppings Indomie or fried egg. And
There is also a bathroom for rent for a one-bath Rp.1.000. If you want on the lake, we can also take a bath, but
because this area is cold enough temperature so rarely the end of the swim in this lake. Meurut legend
local local story this lake was formed by tears of a grandmother who upset with the behavior
grandson. Nenk the tears continued to flow so that drowned their village. And according to legend village
sinking of the lake is situated Lau Kawar this with houses that still berdiriBatu Oukup
Oukup stone is a stone that emits heat, and there are several places in Sinabung. Stone
This heat is formed from the activity of this mountain volcanology. Many local climbers who use this place to
overnight if they do not carry a tent. With their bodies pressed to the stone has been Diding
make them warm. Or if you want to enjoy the natural sauna rocks can also take advantage of ini.Kawasan Peak Mt.
Sinabung peak region there is a large crater which is a combination of the two craters
previously. Besides the main peak there is also the top two and top of Stone Segal. Among the top that there is a
terrace width. Segal Stone can climb the peak, but need to be extra cautious because we had to climb. on
At certain times the wind was blowing pretty fresh Sinabung. And will be dangerous if climbed the peak of the Stone Segal
when the wind blew hard. From the main peak we could see the sights such as the Karo highlands, Lake
Lau Kawar, Lake Toba, Berastagi Town and City PrapatPeta
Lake Lau Kawar is located right at the foot of Mount Sinabung, and is the main access door climbing. This small lakeside camping ground there is often crowded with visitors who are camping at the end of the week. Forests surrounding the lake is still very real and heavy.
Wood Door (1557 m asl)
(03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E)
We started to climb from Lau Kawar and passed perladanan residents will get to the forest boundary there commonly called the "Gate Wilderness". Carefully through this jungle door position because there are intersections. The right path is a leftist and turned the wrong path is straight and will lead hikers on a dead-end street menyesatkan.POS I (1641 m asl) (03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E)
Pos I can be reached after climbing about 30 minutes from door to Woods. Heading I is not no particular features only 2 trees uprooted and a little plain. In this post there are T-junction, the right path is a straight, medium-to right to lead off and soared to a ridge that lain.POS II (1697 m asl) (.1 03 ° 11'00 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E)
Pos II is approximately 1 hours drive from Pos I. First Post after the trail continues to climb and we would find
some fairly steep path. Just before the second post there is a fairly steep hill slope is more
approximately 80 degrees and high is high enough. Pos II itself is a fairly roomy, and the court could
includes 2 tenda.POS III (1842 m asl)
(03 ° 10'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E)
Postal III is approximately 30 minutes from the Post II, Post II himself when viewed at a glance away from being in the form of Post
an incline and there are only very narrow flat land. Even to set up a tent the size of two people rather
POS Pandan (1962 m asl)
(03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E)
Pandan is located diatara Pos Pos Pos III and IV, and is about one hour drive from the Postal III. In this post we
can find the source of water, but should check the first before climbing ranger with the officer in Lau Kawar
about these water sources, especially season panas.POS IV (2187 m asl)
(03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E)
Heading IV is located approximately 30 minutes of Pandanus Pos. Heading IV is heading the largest in this line Lau Kawar. A
tinga plain enough to accommodate up to four tents. Before reaching this location, when it comes out of post
Pandan will meet denan open area where we can see clear lakes and rural Lau Kawar
disekitarnya.PUNCAK MAIN (2475 m asl)
(03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E)
Before reaching the top we will be faced first with a steep incline with a slope of 80
even 90 degrees which was an open area, climb the rock was named by local climbers
name "Heart climbs." Accidents often happen belt of this hill, if climbers carrying backpack
large enough should be careful when dropped pass. Sinabung peak area there are three peaks
ie the main peak, peak II and peak Segal Stone who by local climbers called the peak Flash
Gordon. All three peaks flanking a broad, flat terrace that can be used as a location for establishing
tent. However considering that the wind was blowing hard diteras suggested that tents here
is a tent that was designed for mountain climbing is not for regular camping.
Here are the coordinates from the GPS waypoint for the route of ascent from Lau Kawar:
- 03 ° 11'45 .0 "N 98 ° 23'11 .1" E altitude of 1425m (Lake Lau Kawar)
- 03 ° 11'37 .8 "N 98 ° 23'15 .5" E elevation 1486m
- 03 ° 11'27 .0 "N 98 ° 23'10 .6" E elevation 1557m - highcamp the adventures, Indonesia Adventures infoPrmowaetiorend by Mambo Generated: 17 April, 2010, 01:45
- 03 ° 11'09 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .5" E elevation 1641m
- 03 ° 11'08 .3 "N 98 ° 23'16 .8" E elevation 1661m
- 03 ° 11'00 .1 "N 98 ° 23'15 .7" E elevation 1697m
- 03 ° 11'54 .9 "N 98 ° 23'19 .3" E elevation 1768m
- 03 ° 11'52 .7 "N 98 ° 23'22 .8" E elevation 1842m
- 03 ° 10'43 .4 "N 98 ° 23'21 .2" E elevation 1962m
- 03 ° 10'33 .0 "N 98 ° 23'23 .7" E elevation 2028m
- 03 ° 10'32 .5 "N 98 ° 23'21 .8" E elevation 2129m
- 03 ° 10'30 .0 "N 98 ° 23'24 .9" E elevation 2187m
- 03 ° 10'20 .6 'N 98 ° 23'26 .2 "E elevation 2396m
- 03 ° 10'17 .3 "N 98 ° 23'26 .3" E elevation 2475m
- 03 ° 10'14 .8 "N 98 ° 23'27 .1" E altitude of 2424m (camp location) for the climb to Mt PerijinananPerijinan
Sibayak is not too convoluted. To levy entering Lake Lau Kawar area will be subject to Rp.1.500, -
per person and if we are going to climb Sinabung longer required to pay levies Rp.1.500 ascent, - men.
Also photo copy of ID card will also be required. In this Sinabung mountain already have waste control ordinance
good. Ie, each climber will be in check by local officials. (Known by the name of officer Sinabung SAR)
equipment and food are taken in order. In addition to ensuring the climbers to climb with equipment that is required
also to ensure that climbers will be brought back down the waste produced from the logistic supplies
they bring. This business looks quite potent, because during a visit in May 2004 highcamp visible
peak area and walking trails clear of trash. Although there are rubbish but there were not too
signifikan.Tempat MenarikAda lot of interesting places in this Sinabung mountain region, and all
The natural and clean as well. Here are some interesting places that we rekomendasikan.Danau Lau Kawar
This lake is located diketinggian 1.425m above sea level. and surrounded by dense forest still. The lake is the meaning of her name is
Clear water is visited by many campers at the end of the week. and besides that here too there are villas for rent
at a price that is affordable enough and permalamnya perkamar 30,000. This quiet lake is still minimal watering
facilities, but already there are locals who sells rice with toppings Indomie or fried egg. And
There is also a bathroom for rent for a one-bath Rp.1.000. If you want on the lake, we can also take a bath, but
because this area is cold enough temperature so rarely the end of the swim in this lake. Meurut legend
local local story this lake was formed by tears of a grandmother who upset with the behavior
grandson. Nenk the tears continued to flow so that drowned their village. And according to legend village
sinking of the lake is situated Lau Kawar this with houses that still berdiriBatu Oukup
Oukup stone is a stone that emits heat, and there are several places in Sinabung. Stone
This heat is formed from the activity of this mountain volcanology. Many local climbers who use this place to
overnight if they do not carry a tent. With their bodies pressed to the stone has been Diding
make them warm. Or if you want to enjoy the natural sauna rocks can also take advantage of ini.Kawasan Peak Mt.
Sinabung peak region there is a large crater which is a combination of the two craters
previously. Besides the main peak there is also the top two and top of Stone Segal. Among the top that there is a
terrace width. Segal Stone can climb the peak, but need to be extra cautious because we had to climb. on
At certain times the wind was blowing pretty fresh Sinabung. And will be dangerous if climbed the peak of the Stone Segal
when the wind blew hard. From the main peak we could see the sights such as the Karo highlands, Lake
Lau Kawar, Lake Toba, Berastagi Town and City PrapatPeta
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 23:39 0 commentsSibayak mountain located in the Karo highlands (read: Overview of Tanah Karo) with an altitude of 2094 m above sea level. Mountain peak condition that has been ravaged by the eruption in the past this could be achieved from two places: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and the town of Berastagi. Mount Sibayak gunng fire is still active, and has a sloping crater enough to descend and look less dangerous so long as not too close.
The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a beginner though. Like Mount Gede in West Java, this mountain is always occupied by many local climbers night a week. They usually start climbing at around 02:00 to get the early morning sunrise scene dipuncak mountain. From this summit we could see the distant views of the city of Medan. Condensation factor on the mountain is very high which causes frequent fog clustered seen the peak area.
Ascent Route:
To achieve this we can climb the mountain from the two places, namely: the Village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and the town of Berastagi. Both can be reached by public transportation from Medan city. From Brastagi ascent begins from the path that lies behind the hill Gundaling. But the fastest ascent of King Berneh village located about 7 km from the main road of Medan - Berastagi. Bypassing spa-debuk Sidebuk Lau. The situation of this village is very heterogeneous in religion, with synagogues, Catholic, Protestant and Islam coexisted.
King Village Berneh dam produces fruits vegetables. Right at the foot of the mountain met a hot springs area, which is also the entrance path to the summit.
The trail to the summit is very clear. Along the way there are no special features, only in the waist of the mountain there is a small cave that jutted into one meter. Then entered a dry river, continue through the bamboo forest area before entering the actual forest. From this area there is a path pioneered the hill turn right towards Pertektekan.
Enters the plants began to lower peak and begin to enter the gravel and rocky areas that are not so compact. The path is not clear and there are good you take care of this area.
Besides scenery at the top of the crater and the views of the city at the foot of the mountain terrain is also found that regular hot water bath visited by local tourists are spa-debuk sidebuk Lau.
Aside from the two paths in the mentioned above, there is another route Sibayak munuju mountaintop. ie 54 points. This point is located in the region tongkoh (burnt corn), located in Medan-Brastagi highway, the route in line 54 is a challenging route. A steep slope is a challenge that must be in the past the climbers, other than that its still very beautiful forest. On the path to the summit met many of the rattan plant, other than that this route is much in use for diksar Mapala members in Medan and surrounding areas. After passing through a shady forest, then we will
encounter rocky areas (almost munuju peak). For spring, the line was only
have little springs. By many because it is required to bring supplies of water from the foot of the mountain.
The climb to the mountain we will pass Sibayak tropical jungle and cliffs full of challenges and there are mountain plains where camping carpet. From the top of a mountain visible craters which are still active out of magma and the scenery is beautiful and captivating. Distance from City Berastagi to the starting place
ascent from the village of Jaranguda 1.5 km and from the village of King Berneh 15 km. Long ascent is estimated at between two to three hours.
To make a climb to the mountain Sibayak can be through:
1.Jalur 54 with a starting point of the company's factory pendakain penatapan Aqua or corn on the cob.
2. Sibayak Line I, with a starting point located at the foot of the climb in the village of King gng Sibayak Berneh 15 km from Berastagi town.
3. Sibayak Line II, with a starting point located at the foot of the climb gng Jaranguda 1.5 km Sibayak village.
For transportation from the city field, we can use public bus fare Sinabung Jaya with 5000 per person. Permissions problem no problem, if we dah until we stayed at the foot of the climb Gaza, after we've completed the registration ristribusi 2000 per person at the foot of the mountain Sibayak. In addition to mountain climbing Sibayak generally performed Saturday night.
Overview of Karo:
Tanah Karo is a karo highlands with the capital Kabanjahe located 77 km from the city of Medan, the capital of North Sumatra Province. Karo Regency area of about 2127.25 square kilometers which lies in the highlands with an altitude of 600 to 1400 meters above sea level. Because in the land of the Karo Simalem diketinggian has a cool climate with temperatures ranging from 16
up to 17 degrees Celsius.
Karo high Didataran this we can find beautiful natural shades of cool mountain air-who with characteristic fruit and vegetable area. In this area we can also enjoy the beauty of volcanoes in active state Sibayak located above the altitude of 2172 meters above sea level. Meaning of Words Sibayak is King. Mount Sibayak means is Mount King in the sense Karonese ancestors.
There used to be Tanah Karo 4 denganRaja Kingdom (Sibayak)
1. Kingdom Sibayak Linga (Marga origin Karo-Karo Sinulingga).
2. Kingdom Sibayak Sarinembah (Marga origin Sembiring Milala)
3. Like Sibayak Kingdom (like the origin of Marga Ginting)
4. Kingdom Sibayak Barusjahe (Karo-Karo origin Barus)
5. Kingdom Sibayak Kutabuluh (Clan origin Prangin-wind)
Viewed from the Geography of Karo Regency is located in the highlands of the Bukit Barisan Mountains and the Upper River area. Karo Regency area is 2127.25 square kilometers or 212,725 hectares, or 2.97 percent of the province of North Sumatra, and geographically located between latitude 2 degrees 50 minutes north to 3 degrees 19 minutes North Latitude and 97 Longitude derakat 55 minutes
East to 98 degrees 38 minutes east longitude.
Territorial boundaries of Karo Regency is:
-North and is bordered by Deli Serdang Langkat
- Southern Dairi district and is bordered by North Tapanuli
- East side is bordered by Deli Serdang Regency and
Simalungun District
-West of the Southeast Aceh district borders (Province
Special Region of Aceh)
Karo Regency is situated at an altitude of 140 to 1400 meters above sea level with the area ratio as follows:
- Areas up to 200 elevation 140 meters above the sea area of 9550 Ha (4:49%)
- Areas up to 500 elevation 200 meters above the sea area of 11,373 ha (5.35%)
- Areas with an altitude of 500 to 1000 meters above sea pemukaan area of 79,215 ha (37.24%)
- Area altitude 1000 to 1400 meters from sea level cellular 112,587 ha (52.92%)
When viewed from the angle or slope of the land can
distinguished as follows:
- Flat 2% = 23,900 ha (11.24%)
- Gradient of 2-5% = 74,919 ha (35.22%)
- Leaning 15-40% = 41,169 ha (19.35%)
- Steep 40% = 72,737 ha (34.19%).
Sunday, 21 February 2010
CILIWUNG..airmu bak susu coklat
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 20:44 0 comments

Menurut orang-orang tua, waktu mereka masih muda dulu, air sungai Ciliwung bersih. Sayang, sekarang jadi seperti ini. Oleh karena itu, sebagian masyarakat sudah membuat sumur sendiri. Namun masih banyak juga yang tetap menggunakan air sungai Ciliwung untuk mandi dan mencuci.
Setiap musim hujan tiba, penduduk di tepi sungai Ciliwung juga harus waspada terhadap banjir. Setiap kali di daerah hulu hujan deras, maka sudah dapat dipastikan akan terjadi banjir. Hal ini disebabkan karena daerah hulu yaitu kawasan Puncak Bogor sudah kehilangan banyak fungsi sebagi penampung air hujan. Hutan yang dulunya hijau telah berganti menjadi ratusan villa mewah.

Itulah berbagai permasalahan dan keuntungan yang diberikan oleh sungai Ciliwung bagi masyarakat Jakarta, khususnya bagi mereka yang tinggal di sepanjang tepinya.
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 20:29 0 comments

Setiap kupu-kupu sebenarnya bersayap transparan. Namun sayap kupu-kupu dipenuhi sisik-sisik. Setiap kupu-kupu memiliki ketebalan sisik yang berbeda. Sisik-sisik inilah yang memberikan warna pada sayap kebanyakan kupu-kupu. Pada kupu-kupu sayap kaca, sisik pada sayapnya sedikit sekali atau bahkan tidak ada. Sayap transparan tersebut digunakan untuk kamuflase agar terhindar dari pemangsa. Akan tetapi, ternyata para pemangsa tidak menyukai rasa kupu-kupu sayap kaca. Bagi pemangsa tidak menyukai karena rasanya pahit. Rasa pahit itu berasal dari senyawa alkaloid yang terdapat di tubuh kupu-kupu sayap kaca. Mereka mendapatkannya dari tumbuhan yang mengandung alkaloid yang merupakan makanan mereka.

Monday, 8 February 2010
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 22:46 0 comments" cabuk rambak ???? opo kui ??"....mungkin itu kebingungan yang akan diutarakan oleh banyak orang. Mungkin bagi masyarakat kota Solo nama makanan tersebut tidaklah asing. Namun untuk mendapatkannya cukuplah repot di kota Solo yang semakin maju.

Bahan-bahan untuk membuat cabuk rambak sangatlah sederhana. Kita hanya butuh ketupat dan bumbu cabuk .
Bumbu cabuk ialah sambel yang terbuat dari kelapa yang diparut, kemiri, wijen, daun jeruk dan lombok lalu diulek sampai halus dan rata. Bumbu yang sudah halus kemudian diberi air secukupnya. Sekilas bumbu cabuk seperti bumbu pecel, namun teksturnya lebih halus dan warnanya lebih putih, dan tentu saja rasanya beda. Cabuk rambak sudah terbilang makanan langka dan hanya bisa dijumpai hanya daerah-daerah tertentu. Penyajian Cabuk rambakpun cukup unik, yaitu dengan pincuk (daun pisang yang dilipat) dan ketupat dipotong-potong kecil dan diatasnya dibubuhi cabuk. Sangat cocok jika makan Cabuk rambak dengan karak. Karak ialah krupuk yang terbuat dari beras, teksturnya kasar dan warnanya kecoklatan.
Rupanya di kota Solo, untuk bisa mencicipi cabuk rambak tidak cuma ada di Singosaren Plaza. Tempat lain yang terdapat penjual cabuk rambak diantarannya adalah di pasar Gede dan di pasar depan Pura Mangkunegaran.

Rupanya di kota Solo, untuk bisa mencicipi cabuk rambak tidak cuma ada di Singosaren Plaza. Tempat lain yang terdapat penjual cabuk rambak diantarannya adalah di pasar Gede dan di pasar depan Pura Mangkunegaran.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Posted by BLOgKE AFIK DEBI HADIYANTO at 19:03 0 commentsBengawan Solo
Riwayatmu ini
Sedari dulu jadi...
Perhatian insani
Musim kemarau
Tak seberapa airmu
Dimusim hujan air..
Meluap sampai jauh
Mata airmu dari Solo
Terkurung gunung seribu
Air meluap sampai jauh
Dan akhirnya ke laut
Itu perahu
Riwayatnya dulu
Kaum pedagang selalu...
Naik itu perahu
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan cuplikan lagu di atas ? Bahkan lagu ini sudah sangat terkenal di manca negara. Ya..itulah lagu berjudul ''Bengawan Solo'' karya sang maestro Gesang. Beliau terinspirasi oleh keberadaan sungai Bengawan Solo yang berada tepat di sebelah timur kota Solo. Kota yang menjadi tempat kelahiran dan tempat tinggal beliau. Sungai yang memiliki panjang 540 km ini adalah sungai terpanjang di pulau Jawa. Mungkin sebelumnya sungai ini lebih panjang dari yang sekarang karena lebih banyak berkelok-kelok. Di akhir tahun 80-an dan awal 90-an sungai Bengawan Solo banyak yang di luruskan guna memperlancar aliran airnya dan untuk menghindari banjir. Bengawan Solo melewati 12 kabupaten atau kota di 2 propinsi, yaitu Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Bengawan Solo bagaikan pembuluh darah bagi kehidupan manusia Jawa yang berdenyut di sekitar alirannya. Ia adalah tumpuan harapan bagi mereka, tempat mereka berdoa dan melepas lelah, menghidupi kerajaan di pedalaman, menyokong kehidupan purba, hingga meniupkan peradaban masa kini.

Bukti lain yang juga ikut memperkuat adanya bekas alur Bengawan Solo Purba adalah adanya dataran rendah dengan dinding yang tinggi di kedua sisinya yang memanjang menyerupai parit. Parit-parit raksasa ini bisa dijumpai di sekitar kabupaten Wonogiri dan Gunung Kidul. Jejaknya dapat diikuti mulai dari sebelah timur Gunung Payung di sebelah barat daya Giriworo, memanjang ke selatan sejauh kurang lebih 30 km dan berakhir di teluk Sadeng. Kini teluk tersebut telah menjadi tempat pendaratan ikan.
Sumber : Harian Kompas " Ekspedisi Bengawan Solo "
National Geographic Indonesia edisi Juni 2009
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